Ca’ Pigneto, an antique farm and an historical family, is located in the heart of Classical Valpolicella, with a formidable view at 360° onto a real heaven on earth, comprising the whole famous valley, always vocated to cultivation of the vite.
It is a model farm of 15 ha land, dominated in its centre by an ancient aristocratic Villa of XVII century.
The ancient agricultural tradition of Counts Serenelli is historically attested all over the province of Verona since the times of Della Scala family and has been handed down to our days, in this natural amphitheatre, in the privileged position of 350 m.a.s.l., by Paola Adami Serenelli with her husband and sons, who is with real love and passion devoted to recall her eminent descendants in the “cultivation” and “culture” of the vite.